How Sports Saved Me After My Diabetes Diagnosis

It was on the playground at my elementary school in the second grade where I first started playing basketball. Playing a sport was an indescribable joy, allowing me to open up to other kids who I typically had trouble talking to in non-sporting situations.

Even today, more than a decade later, when I’m on the basketball court, I don’t think about anything else. I enjoy the camaraderie with other players, the knowledge it takes to perform well on the court, and the great exercise I get as a byproduct.

When I tore my ACL in December 2018, I was crushed. Between my surgery and the recovery process through physical therapy, I had to wait almost a year and half before I could play again. When the time finally came, it was March 2020. The pandemic had hit, ending my hopes of playing with others at the gym any time soon.

Then, two months later, in May 2020, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I felt alone and lost, unsure if I did anything wrong or if I could continue to live a “normal” lifestyle with a chronic condition. Everything felt like it was toppling down around me. I had just conquered one obstacle, only for another to come barreling my way.

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